As we count down the days to our annual season of prayer and fasting, let’s examine yet another of the most commonly asked questions about the spiritual discipline: Why do we pray and fast?
Many believe that prayer and fasting are Old Testament activities that were done long ago but aren’t necessary in today’s modern lifestyle. The truth, as we know if we read the Bible, is far from that. Even Jesus fasted before He began His ministry on earth.
More than this, we are called to fast. Matthew 6:16-18 says:
 “When you fast, do not look sombre as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly, I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
Jesus doesn’t say ‘if’ you fast. He says ‘when’ you fast.
The reasons behind why we pray and fast are many and varied. However, there are a few that are the most commonly mentioned. These have the highest significance and impact, and even if we experience a single one, it makes prayer and fasting worthwhile.
We enter into a season of prayer and fasting to:
Dedicate the upcoming year to the Lord
During the year's busyness, it is easy to lose sight of God and have our objectives and focus shift. When this happens, we find ourselves moving away from God—often slowly and in a manner that we don’t even notice.
However, prayer and fasting give us the opportunity to dedicate not just the activities and plans of the year to the Lord but also ourselves to Him. By committing to dedicate the year to God in every way, we solidify that we want to walk through the year close to Him and trust in Him.
Weaken our flesh and strengthen our spirit
Our flesh can easily overwhelm us if we’re not careful. If we’re hungry, our body tells us, and we find food to satisfy it. If we’re tired, we see a moment we can rest. Much of our lives are spent ensuring our flesh is satisfied. Not as much time, however, is spent on caring for our spirits.

Prayer and fasting is a time to subdue our flesh, which can become a ruler over us (1 Corinth. 6:13-20). It allows us to strengthen our Spirits as we spend more time praying to God, reading His Word, and hearing from Him.
This sets us up to have the spiritual strength required to get through the challenges of the year without letting our relationship with God suffer along the way.
Grow closer to God in our relationship with Him
A byproduct (or result) of strengthening our spirit is that we draw closer to God in our personal relationships. As we delve into God’s Word, listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and reach out to God through prayer, our relationship is taken to the next level, and we begin to experience a new depth of being a child of God.
Bring requests and plans before the Lord
Any time of prayer and fasting is a great time to bring requests and plans before the Lord. This ties in with dedicating the year to the Lord, as these plans or requests often form part of the year ahead.
No plan is too big or too small for God.
Develop the spiritual discipline of prayer in our lives
Forming a new habit takes only 18 days. With prayer and fasting being almost this long, it is the perfect time to develop new spiritual disciplines that you’ve previously let slip backwards or battled to institute in the first place.
These disciples go beyond just being able to withstand a season of prayer and fasting. They include establishing the discipline of spending time reading the Bible and establishing the discipline of prayer, which should be carried with you each day onward.
Seek God’s guidance and anointing
Like Jesus, who spent time praying and fasting before He began His ministry, it is essential for each one of us to seek God’s guidance in our own lives and ministry in His kingdom. During prayer and fasting, we have more dedicated time to do this and to hear from Him for His leading and direction.
Experience miraculous breakthroughs only God can bring
A season of prayer and fasting is a season to let God take control and allow the Holy Spirit to move. When this happens, miracles happen, and strongholds are broken. Therefore, if you’ve got anything in your life that you’re struggling with or any stronghold that has taken root, prayer and fasting is the best time to find the freedom only God can offer.
There is nothing that God cannot deliver us from if we allow His Spirit to move!
There are many more reasons why we pray and fast. These include things like the health benefits of fasting or the benefit of getting together corporately. Each of these falls secondary to the fact that it gives us a chance to focus on God and allow the Holy Spirit the freedom to work in our lives without restraint—which brings about miracles that are hard to believe.
If you want more info, download our full Prayer and Fasting Manual here!