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08.09.2024 | From My View: The Roman Centurion

This week, as we continue looking at Biblical narratives, we hear from the Roman Centurion, who witnessed Jesus' death. After seeing the Savior die, he clearly realised that Jesus was King indeed.


01.09.2024 | From My View: The Demon Possessed Man

Kicking off a new series looking at narratives from people in the Bible who are mentioned less often, Dennis takes us on an adventure to uncover the story of the demon-possessed man.


25.08.2024 | Salvation Month Part 4

As we reach the end of salvation month, we hear Candice and Johan's incredible testimonies. From the brink of death to new hearts and incredible healing, they share what God has done for them and can do for you.


18.08.2024 | Salvation Month Part 3

In the penultimate week of our month focusing on salvation and inviting others to church, we hear the testimonies of Zanele and Siphamandla. Each offer a unique story with emphasis on how God works.


11.08.2024 | Salvation Month Part 2

Continuing Salvation Month, this week we hear the incredible journey that Hannalie and Dani have been on. Hearing how God has blessed and protected them both, we look forward to the rest of the month of inviting everyone you know to church!


04.08.2024 | Salvation Month Part 1

Salvation Month has begun! This week, we hear the testimonies of Tumelo and Dennis and how God changed their life to save them from their own struggles.


28.07.2024 | Heaven on Earth: Power!

As we end our week of prayer and fasting we look back at the lessons from the week. We also look at a new lesson, uncovering the five types of power spoken about in the Bible.


26.07.2024 | Heaven on Earth: Prayer & Fasting Day 5

As we close our our week of meeting together for prayer and fasting, we look at sharing heaving to help others get there too.


25.07.2024 | Heaven on Earth: Prayer & Fasting Day 4

Day four officially crosses the halfway mark of our midyear prayer and fasting! Today, we look at our relationship with God and how to access a heavenly relationship while on earth.


24.07.2024 | Heaven on Earth: Prayer & Fasting Day 3

Day 3 is all about PRAISE! Join us as we look at praising God in the good times and even when life seems to be going insane.


23.07.2024 | Heaven on Earth: Prayer & Fasting Day 2

As we reach day 2 of our midyear prayer and fasting, we look at the presence of God and how we can experience His presence here on earth the same way as in Heaven.


22.07.2024 | Heaven on Earth: Prayer & Fasting Day 1

Join us for day one of our prayer and fasting, looking at Heaven on Earth! This day, we look at the fullness of God.


21.07.2024 | Kingdom Culture: The Value of the Kingdom

As we look at the last sermon in our series looking at Kingdom Culture, we uncover what the value of the Kingdom is and how to tap into it.


14.07.2024 | Kingdom Culture: Citizens of Heaven

Continuing looking at Kingdom Culture, this week we look at what it means to be a Citizen of Heaven. Alongside what this means, we discover some practical tips to help us live the way we should.


07.07.2024 | Kingdom Culture: Imitating Paul

Following on from our theme for Holiday Bible Club, we begin looking at Kingdom Culture! To start the series, we look at the life of Paul and the things that he shows us that we should try and imitate.


30.06.2024 | The Vine and Branches: The Fruit

In the conclusion of our sermon series we look at the importance of the fruit and why it is so essential that the branches bear fruit. Looking at the implications and what the fruit is, we uncover valuable lessons about what should be present in our lives.


23.06.2024 | The Vine and Branches: The Branches

Continuing with our sermon series looking at the vine and branches, we look at the branches and how they rely on a connection to the vine.


16.06.2024 | Lessons From Father Abraham: Father's Day 2024

This special Father's Day we celebrate our dads and look at the incredible lessons that we can learn from Father Abraham. As the father of nations, he has some unbeatable lessons to each us all.


09.06.2024 | The Vine and Branches: The True Vine

Follow the continuation of our series looking at the Vine and Branches. This week, Miklos looks at the saying of 'I Am' the true vine and unpacks what it means that Jesus is the one true vine.


02.06.2024 | The Vine and Branches: The Gardener

Kicking off a new sermon series looking at the vines and branches found in John 15, we look at the reference to God as gardener. Exploring the role of a gardener and what they do, we see how God is at work in our lives through the effects of FNPG.


26.05.2024 | A Study of 1 John: Part 3

As we wrap up our sermon series looking at a study of 1 John, we hear from Jade about how we are to remain. Looking at how we should rely on God and remain in Him, we learn how to put our burdens aside and be still.


19.05.2024 | A Study of 1 John: Part 2

As we delve further into our sermon series looking at the book of 1 John, Dennis explains how we are to walk as Jesus walked in a more practical manner.


12.05.2024 | The Exceptional Faith of a Desperate Mother

Welcoming Pastor Hugh Goosen, we celebrate an incredible Mother's Day by looking at the exceptional faith illustrated by a desperate mother.


05.05.2024 | A Study of 1 John: Part 1

Kicking off a new series, Miklos delves into the teaching of 1 John looking at the weight that we don't have to carry, which Jesus takes from our shoulders.


21.04.2024 | The Parables of Jesus: Part 3

In week three of our sermon series, Gareth explains the parable of the unforgiving debtor. Focussing on forgiveness and practical aspects of how to forgive, we also look at why we should forgive in more detail and how it benefits us.


14.04.2024 | The Parables of Jesus: Part 2

Continuing with our sermon series looking at the parables of Jesus, Dennis unveils the many truths that we can learn by looking at the parable of the lost coin.


07.04.2024 | The Parables of Jesus: Part 1

Starting a new sermon series looking at the parables of Jesus, Pastor Christie takes us on a journey looking at the story of the Prodigal Son. Unlike normal, however, she teaches what lessons we can learn by looking at the story from the perspective of the Prodigal Son's brother.


31.03.2024 | Resurrection Sunday 2024

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we look at a unique take on His exit from the grave and the victory that he gives us over sin and the eternal death it can lead us to.


24.03.2024 | Peace!

Join us and Pastor Wayne Le Roux as he brings a message of the peace of God and how we can rely on it to get us through even the most troubling of times.


17.03.2024 | The Heart of God

This Sunday we welcome Pastor Thornton Pappas from the Baptist Theological College. He delves into the heart of God and how we can always rely on the Father's love.


10.03.2024 | Pray!

Welcoming Baptist Theological College Principal Dr. Darryl Soal, he shares with us a special message on the importance of unceasing prayer. Highlighting why prayer is so important and the impact it can have, Dr. Darryl reminds us in an inspiring way that we should always be ready to pray.


03.03.2024 | From Shame to Fame

As we welcome Pastor Mark Odendaal from Baptist Theological College we hear an inspiring message about disappointing God. Moving from shame to fame, Ps. Mark shares with us why we should never dwell on the past but accept God's grace.


20.02.2024 | Whose Church Is It Anyway: Part 4

As we finish looking at whose church it is, we look at how we are called to live in unity as a church. Using Christ's example, we are called to live a unified life as the Body.


18.02.2024 | Whose Church Is It Anyway: Part 3

After discovering how the church belongs to Christ and His Body, we look at how the church also belongs to everyone. As God has called us, we are to welcome everybody into His church.


11.02.2024 | Whose Church Is It Anyway: Part 2

As we continue looking at the question of whose church it is, we see how the church belongs to the Body of Christ. This means that we as the body have ownership of the church and are called to run it on behalf of our Father.


04.02.2024 | Whose Church Is It Anyway: Part 1

As we embark on a new sermon series, we look at who the church really belongs to. This week, we look at Jesus' ownership of the church and how He is the head.


28.01.2024 | Be Good To Yourself: Part 4

As we end our sermon series on being good to ourselves the way God intended, we look at our bodies. From living a life where we use them as our own, we look at treating them with honor, dignity, and respect.


26.01.2024 | Dangerous Prayers: Day 5

Pray along with our evening sessions during our annual prayer and fasting as we look at dangerous prayers that pull you from your comfort zone.


25.01.2024 | Dangerous Prayers: Day 4

Pray along with our evening sessions during our annual prayer and fasting as we look at dangerous prayers that pull you from your comfort zone.


24.01.2024 | Dangerous Prayers: Day 3

Pray along with our evening sessions during our annual prayer and fasting as we look at dangerous prayers that pull you from your comfort zone.


23.01.2024 | Dangerous Prayers: Day 2

Pray along with our evening sessions during our annual prayer and fasting as we look at dangerous prayers that pull you from your comfort zone.


22.01.2024 | Dangerous Prayers: Day 1

Pray along with our evening sessions during our annual prayer and fasting as we look at dangerous prayers that pull you from your comfort zone.


21.01.2024 | Be Good to Yourself: Part 3

In a bitter sweet service we continue looking at being good to ourselves and ensuring that we save both our souls and bodies from hell while saying goodbye to our pastoral family.


14.01.2024 | Be Good to Yourself: Part 2

Continuing with our sermon series, this morning we look at the lies we tell ourselves that lead us to not being good to ourselves. Looking at God's Word, we see how to overcome this and lead ourselves into the goodness God intended.


07.01.2024 | Be Good to Yourself: Part 1

As we kick off the new year we begin a new sermon series about being good to yourself the way God intended.

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2024 sermons

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